E-government (short for electronic government, also known as e-gov, Internet government, digital government, online government, connected government) consists of the digital interactions between a citizen and their government (C2G), between governments and government agencies (G2G), between government and citizens (G2C), between government and employees (G2E), and between government and businesses/commerce (G2B). Essentially, e-government delivery models can be briefly summed up as (Jeong, 2007):
G2G (government to governments)
G2C (government to citizens)
G2E (government to employees)
G2B (government to businesses)
This digital interaction consists of e-citizen at all levels of government (city, state/province, national, and international), governance, information and communication technology (ICT), and business process re-engineering (BPR).
Defining E-Government
E-gov strategies (or digital government) is defined as "The employment of the Internet and the world-wide-web for delivering government information and services to the citizens." (United Nations, 2006; AOEMA, 2005).